In this episode Ronsley Vaz talks about podcasting, sharing insights into the benefits of podcasting for businesses, as well as tips for either creating a podcast or being a guest on other people’s podcasts. Ronsley Vaz Ronsley is an entrepreneur specialising in creating businesses that connect people and ideas in new and innovative ways. He...

The post Should I Start A Podcast?: Ronsley Vaz appeared first on Business Addicts.

In this episode Ronsley Vaz talks about podcasting, sharing insights into the benefits of podcasting for businesses, as well as tips for either creating a podcast or being a guest on other people’s podcasts.

Ronsley Vaz

Ronsley is an entrepreneur specialising in creating businesses that connect people and ideas in new and innovative ways. He is the host of Australia’s #1 Food & Entrepreneurship podcast – Bond Appetit, that focuses on uniting entrepreneurs through food. Bond Appetit has been listened and downloaded over 1.8 million times.

Ronsley has a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering and an MBA in psychology and leadership. He is a software technical expert, a personal chef, and a serial idea creator.

Most recently, one of his ideas was to create We Are Podcast, the first ever podcasting conference in the southern hemisphere, which he brought to fruition back in October 2015 and in the process of doing this, Ronsley has really positioned himself as a leading expert in the podcasting space in Australia and has since created another podcast called “Should I Start A Podcast”.

You can follow Ronsley Vaz on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

Ever asked yourself “Should I start a podcast?” Find out the answer here with @WearePodcast
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Should I Start A Podcast?
In this episode we explore

What makes the podcasting medium so powerful.
The future of podcasting.
Advice for someone looking to start a podcast.
The secret sauce is for creating a great podcast.
Tips for getting big names on your show as guests.
The different styles of podcasts you may wish to consider for your podcast.
How listening to other podcasts can assist you in shaping your own podcast.
The lifecycle and lifespan of a podcast.
Tips for attracting new listeners and subscribers to your podcast.
Advice for becoming a guest on a podcast.

Resources discussed in the show

We Are Podcast – The first podcasting conference in Australia
Freakonomics Podcast
Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast
GE Podcast Theatre – The Message
Rapid Business Growth: Nathan Chan
The Startup
Ask Patt Flynn
Ask Gary Vee
Ask Jack D
Online Marketing Made Easy – Amy Porterfield
Virtual Freedom: Chris Ducker
ProBlogger Podcast – Darren Rowse
Content Hacks: James Tuckerman
7 Essential Steps To A Successful Podcast with Loren Bartley and James Tuckerman
BusinessAddicts The Boardroom
We Are Podcast Facebook Group
Australian Podcasters Facebook Group

Loren’s podcasting presentation at ProBlogger 2016:

Listen Here

The post Should I Start A Podcast?: Ronsley Vaz appeared first on Business Addicts.

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