In this episode Loren Bartley talks about how Lifecycle Marketing Automation can help you plug those leaks in your business that are currently losing you traffic, leads and customers (even if you don’t realise it). Loren Bartley Loren Bartley from Impactiv8 is a proud #BusinessAddict! Loren is a social media strategist, speaker, trainer, podcaster, blogger, early adopter, self-confessed geek, on-and-off again...

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In this episode Loren Bartley talks about how Lifecycle Marketing Automation can help you plug those leaks in your business that are currently losing you traffic, leads and customers (even if you don’t realise it).

Loren Bartley

Loren Bartley from Impactiv8 is a proud #BusinessAddict!

Loren is a social media strategist, speaker, trainer, podcaster, blogger, early adopter, self-confessed geek, on-and-off again fitness addict and mother of three.

Through her training, Loren empowers you to grow your business using social media in conjunction with lifecycle marketing automation.

Her products and services include online training programs, presentations, workshops and one-on-one coaching. She also has a team that provides social media implementation services for businesses.

Loren is the creator of the Social Media Success and FB Business Success NOW! online training programs.

Regardless of the product or service provided, Loren provide the perfect balance between strategy, “how-to” and best practice, ensuring that all her clients have all the tools necessary to develop and maintain an effective social media presence.

You can follow Loren on Facebook, LinkedInInstagramTwitter,Google+Youtube and Pinterest.

Lifecycle Marketing Automation

Lifecycle Marketing Automation: The money is in the list, but the fortune is in the data.
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In this episode we explore

The components of Lifecycle Marketing.
How Lifecycle marketing can plug the leaks in your business and stop you from losing so many customers.
How to attract more customers to your business.
The different phases of selling and why the sale is more than just a transaction.
Tips for wowing your customers so that you get more repeat business and referrals.
The importance of increasing the number of “touch points” you have with your customers and potential customers.
The data you need to be tracking to assist in pin pointing your ideal customer.
The advantages of adopting a multi-channel approach to your marketing.
Ways to identify a ‘hot lead’.
Tips for improving the systems in your business.
How adding a layer of automation over the top of lifecycle marketing can help you scale up your business and achieve greater results.
How to automate without seeming like a robot.
Personalised marketing and how to use it effectively.

Resources discussed in the show

Why you need Lifecycle Marketing Automation to plug the leaks in your business
Small Business Festival
Google Analytics
Google Adwords
Customer Delight – Danielle Storey

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The post Lifecycle Marketing Automation: Loren Bartley appeared first on Business Addicts.


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