In this episode Loren Bartley and Fiona Redding talk about letting go, sharing their recent experiences in letting go and the impact it has had on their businesses and life. Loren Bartley & Fiona Redding You can find Loren at You can follow Loren Bartley on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter,Google+, Youtube and Pinterest. You can find Fiona at You can follow Fiona on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Youtube and Pinterest....

The post Letting Go – Loren Bartley & Fiona Redding appeared first on Business Addicts.

In this episode Loren Bartley and Fiona Redding talk about letting go, sharing their recent experiences in letting go and the impact it has had on their businesses and life.

Loren Bartley & Fiona Redding

You can find Loren at

You can follow Loren Bartley on FacebookLinkedInInstagramTwitter,Google+Youtube and Pinterest.

You can find Fiona at

You can follow Fiona on FacebookLinkedInInstagramTwitterGoogle+Youtube and Pinterest.

How letting go of what no longer serves you can positively impact your business & life
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Letting Go
In this episode we explore

The different ways you can let go of those things that are no longer servicing you in your business and life
The importance of changing the stories you tell yourself
Why not setting any boundaries in your life can be problematic
Why you should let go of the fear and the how and just take action toward your goals, trusting that everything will work out in the end
The power of deleting to do items (that aren’t getting done)
Why you should sometimes “just do it!”
The importance of focusing on one thing
Why you should regularly review and cull your products and services
The pitfalls of social media
The importance of always be investigating different ways of doing things
How letting go of things can free up space for those things that are more important
Hold the vision and trust the process
The mindset shift that comes with acceptance
Letting go of the need to help everyone
Making decisions around which clients you want to work with
The power of the pause and reflection
Our ideas and plans for the podcast in 2018
Why we cancelled our 100th birthday celebration
Why decisions are not always black and white and why you should sometimes take time to consider other options

Resources discussed in the show

Planning with Kids – Nicole Avery
Hiring a Virtual Assistant – Trivinia Barber
Imposter Syndrome – Loren Bartley & Fiona Redding
Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine – Mike Michalowicz
Social Media Marketing World
Gold Class Swimming
Paying ourselves a wage:

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The post Letting Go – Loren Bartley & Fiona Redding appeared first on Business Addicts.


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