In this episode James Gilbert talks about inbound marketing, sharing insights into how inbound marketing has changed over the years and what strategies are working best now. James Gilbert James Gilbert is HubSpot’s Marketing Director in Asia Pacific. He leads the inbound movement in Australia, New Zealand and Asia, with a mission of helping businesses grow...

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In this episode James Gilbert talks about inbound marketing, sharing insights into how inbound marketing has changed over the years and what strategies are working best now.

James Gilbert

James Gilbert is HubSpot’s Marketing Director in Asia Pacific. He leads the inbound movement in Australia, New Zealand and Asia, with a mission of helping businesses grow better by transforming the way they market and sell to match the way modern humans want to buy.

Having previously held marketing roles at HubSpot and Red Balloon focusing on demand generation, his experience spans everything from social ads and email marketing, to events and automation. In addition to his role in APAC, James also leads HubSpot’s global Facebook Messenger team, directing how the company builds a robust infrastructure and experimentation framework to develop messaging and chatbots as an effective marketing channel.

James is a self-described data nerd with an insatiable curiosity for business growth. He regularly speaks at industry events around Asia Pacific, and is often approached to share his expertise on small business growth. His happy place, however, is deep in a spreadsheet, coming up with insights that will drive growth for HubSpot. When he’s not buried in Excel, James is most likely to be found kitesurfing or practising his most recent hobby: learning to ride a motorbike without falling off.

You can follow HubSpot on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.

You can follow Jame Gilbert on Twitter.

Listen to @jatgilbert from @HubSpot talk about how #InboundMarketing has changed over the years.
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Inbound Marketing
In this episode we explore

What inbound marketing is and how it differs to outbound marketing.
HubSpot always  you guys promote. Can you
Why you may choose to ask loads of questions in advance of giving away a lead magnet offer rather than just asking for first name and email address.
How inbound marketing change over the years in terms of what used to work that no longer does and what might be working best now?
Whether or not you should be focusing your efforts on Messenger marketing or if it is just another bright shiny object.
How HubSpot sees chatbot adoption rolling out for small businesses in the next few years.
The importance of segmenting your audience based on their interests and behaviours and then delivering content accordingly.
The importance of investing in the right tools to be able to allow you to implement a behavioural approach to your marketing.
Why you should ensure the content you create is what your ideal customer is looking for.
What proportion of your time you should be spend researching, creating and distributing your content.
The benefits of creating evergreen high quality thought leadership content.
The role of content upgrades in generating leads for your business.
Why developing content that allows people to have quick wins can be really effective for generating leads.
Different content formats that you can use as part of your inbound marketing strategy.
The impact of the new GDPR regulations and how this will impact our inbound marketing when the changes come into effect on the 25th May 2018.

Resources discussed in the show

HubSpot Events in Asia Pacific
HubSpot’s GDPR Training
HubSpot Academy

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The post Inbound Marketing – James Gilbert appeared first on Business Addicts.

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