In this episode Chris Raine talks about Hello Sunday Morning and how they are helping people understand the relationship they have with alcohol, as well as supporting people to make whatever changes they need to make to help improve their quality of life. Chris Raine Chris is the Founder and CEO of Hello Sunday Morning –...

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In this episode Chris Raine talks about Hello Sunday Morning and how they are helping people understand the relationship they have with alcohol, as well as supporting people to make whatever changes they need to make to help improve their quality of life.

Chris Raine

Chris is the Founder and CEO of Hello Sunday Morning – an international health promotion charity that facilitates the program and supports thousands of people across the world to take a break and assess their own relationship with alcohol. Thanks to the philanthropic and government investment across Australia and New Zealand, that community now sits at over 44,000 people – with each one of their stories an essential contribution to a better drinking culture. Chris is a former Queensland Young Australian of the Year and in 2014 Chris completed his MBA at Oxford University as one of five Skoll Scholarship awardees.

You can follow Chris Raine and Hello Sunday Morning on Facebook, LinkedIn (Chris), Twitter (Chris)Twitter or Instagram.

Listen to @ckraine of #HELLOSUNDAYMORNING on how to change your relationship with alcohol
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Hello Sunday Morning
In this episode we explore

What Hello Sunday Morning is.
The Australian alcohol statistics and the cost to society, health, family and business.
The trends Hello Sunday Morning are seeing and how they are using the data they are capturing to improving their software and programs.
The importance of aligning your community members based on their goals.
Moderation versus abstinence and the factors that contribute to success when abstaining or moderating alcohol consumption.
What a drinking culture is and how it can influence your decisions around alcohol.
How social media is normalising drinking as a form of medication from the stress of family and business life.
The issue of drinking to mask emotional pain.
How there is no one way to fix an addiction, there are just different ways of doing life.
Advice for anyone who is looking to take a break from alcohol.
The importance of developing a community around your business who support each other in achieving their goals.
The importance of focusing on solutions rather than the problem.

Resources discussed in the show

Hello Sunday Morning
Artificial Intelligence – Dale Beaumont

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The post Hello Sunday Morning – Chris Raine appeared first on Business Addicts.

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