In this episode Brad Yates discusses the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and how it has helped thousands of people transform their business and lives. Brad Yates Brad Yates is an author, globally recognised practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique and one of life’s good guys. EFT is a technique used to help improve emotional wellbeing by...

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In this episode Brad Yates discusses the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and how it has helped thousands of people transform their business and lives.

Brad Yates

Brad Yates is an author, globally recognised practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique and one of life’s good guys.

EFT is a technique used to help improve emotional wellbeing by clearing core beliefs and limiting thoughts through a process called tapping.

Brad has had a massive impact on Fiona over the years via his YouTube videos. It was fantastic to get Brad on the show to discuss the techniques Brad teaches that have helped thousands of people transform their lives.

Brad Yates is a master teacher. He is a warm, loving, powerful, effective, transformative force for good. I totally endorse his work.

Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Brad has been featured on the Huffington Post and co-created a money attraction program with Joe Vitale, who is a recognised expert on the Law of Attraction. Brad has also written a book on EFT for kids.

You can find more about Brad at

“Self sabotage is misguided self-love” Brad Yates @eftwizard #BusinessAddicts
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In this episode we explore

What emotional freedom technique is, how it works and examples of how it can be used to help a business addict better manage their life and business. Including:

Using EFT to overcome stress, anger, fear, money block and other emotional issues.
The scientific evidence behind EFT.
If there anything it can’t work on or whether or not some people are immune to its effectiveness.
Stories of how EFT has transformed lives.
How YouTube can be used as a platform for business development.

Resources discussed in the show

Brad Yates YouTube Channel

Listen Here

The post Brad Yates: Emotional Freedom Technique appeared first on Business Addicts.