Failing means you're way closer to success than when you're hiding.

Take dating for example. If you're out there going on dates, sometimes getting ghosted, sometimes realizing you don't like the person, you're so much closer to finding the right person compared to the person who's sitting at home swiping but never meeting anyone.

Getting ghosted fucking sucks. And believe there were times when I made it mean that I was unlovable and would never find love and it was incredibly painful.

But the truth is getting ghosted means you're close to finding your person or people. Because you're willing to risk rejection. And you're getting to know more about what kind of person you want to date. And you're learning to be authentic around new people.

So when the right person comes around, you'll be ready.

Listen to the episode to learn why failure feels so painful and how to use it to succeed at your sacred goal.

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