If you feel like you're getting triggered left right and centre and would like some tools to work with that, this episode is for you.

You'll learn:

- how to identify when you're triggered

- what steps to take (even if you're at work or with the kids)

- and how to explore the root cause of the trigger so you can start to heal

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Anti Racist Business Strategy Training - helloseven.co/townhall-2/

Austin Channing Brown - web series on anti racism - tnqshow.com

13th documentary by Ava Duvernay on Netflix

Desmond Cole - Canadian anti racist journalist - thatsatruestory.wordpress.com

Ibram Kendi - author of How to be a Anti Racist - imbramxkendi.com

Emotional Support Circles - every Monday at 1:30 pm EST -  tinyurl.com/steeringyourbiz