Welcome to Your Upgraded Summer!

 This new series revisits the Top 10 Bulletproof Radio episodes of all time. The topics cover essentials like nutrition, energy, hormones, sleep and autophagy, as well as gut, brain, autoimmune and women's health.

 You'll get the main points in a shortened version so you can get the good stuff and get on with your summer plans. And if you want to listen to more, tune in to the original episode.

Dr. Thomas O’Bryan takes the No. 7 spot with: The Autoimmune Fix – Dr. Thomas O’Bryan – #478

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dr. Thomas O’Bryan says seven out of every 10 patients he treats have autoimmune issues. He’s a physician internationally renowned for his work with autoimmune diseases and inflammation, and the nutrition and lifestyle choices that can help.

With a healthy immune system, your antibodies have the power to get rid of old and damaged cells and make room for new cells to grow and develop. But with any kind of autoimmunity issue, your antibodies end up killing off more cells than you make. 

Autoimmunity can be triggered for a long time before you feel the impacts. It tends to hit your body at some point, so the sooner you can find a way to prevent it, the better. 

Dr. O’Bryan talks about the causes, the signs and what you can do about it, to prevent things like leaky gut and encourage things like healthy enzymes. He says it’s most often about what you eat, what’s going up your nostrils and what’s happening inside your gut. 

More from Dr. Thomas O’Bryan:

“This topic of autoimmunity really becomes a primary concern for all of us, but we've never looked at it that way. So once we understand this, that this is prevalent in almost all of us, that it's an autoimmune mechanism, meaning your immune system attacking your own tissue, whether it's your blood vessels, or components in your blood vessels, the fatty membranes of the blood vessels, or it's your brain, or your joints, or whatever it is, when your immune system is attacking your own tissue, that goes on for years. It's called the spectrum of autoimmunity.”


“Celiac disease is when your gut's being chewed up from a sensitivity to wheat. The third category is non celiac wheat sensitivity, and that's the big kahuna picture. Non-celiac wheat sensitivity can manifest as brain dysfunction, autoimmune brain disease, skin disease, joint disease. There's no tissue in the body that might notbe affected by a sensitivity to wheat. Look at the immune system to see. Is my immune system telling me I've got a problem with this food? Because body language never lies. If your immune system is activated to protect you against a particular food, stop eating that food.”


“If you treat your body like a Lamborghini, it's going to run like a Lamborghini. If you treat your body like a Rambler and expect it to run like a Lamborghini, you're going to be in trouble.”


Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts.

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