Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 265

Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak

Guests: Dr. Trey TippitDr. Dwight Peccora

Key Takeaways:
How Was Your Sucktember?
Financial Thermostat
Natural Tension In A Business
Print Out Your Monthly Trends


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There’s no such thing as coasting in business. Dr. Peter Boulden

There needs to be a certain healthy paranoia for business owners. Dr. Craig Spodak

Adding money to marketing doesn’t always equal more butts in the chair. Dr. Peter Boulden

Comfort in business is very dangerous.  -Dr. Craig Spodak

There is a big difference between tension and conflict. -Dr. Dwight Peccora

You need to let your team breathe. -Dr. Dwight Peccora