Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 249

Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak

Key Takeaways:
Money In Private Equity
12 Month Prediction Of Valuation
Truth And Lending Disclosure
Best Way To Get Out Of Debt
Impending War With Russia


Bulletproof Summit

Mighty Networks: Bulletproof Dental Practice



The days of free money are over for a while. Dr. Peter Boulden

If you’re thinking about selling I would probably do it now versus a year from now. Dr. Craig Spodak

You can’t time the market. Dr. Peter Boulden

There’s nothing like having cash flow. Dr. Craig Spodak

There’s money in taking advantage of these trenches of money. Dr. Craig Spodak

War is a very lucrative endeavor for institution politicians.  Dr. Craig Spodak