Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast Episode 269

Hosts: Dr. Peter Boulden & Dr. Craig Spodak

Guests: Dr. Trey TippitDr. Dwight Peccora

Key Takeaways:
Mindset Is The Key
Breakdown And Breakthrough
Net Worth Tracking


Bulletproof Mastermind
Bulletproof Summit
Mighty Networks: Bulletproof Dental Practice
Think and Grow Rich


Get in a group of like-minded individuals. Dr. Peter Boulden

If you’re the one who’s smartest it’s going to limit your growth. Dr. Craig Spodak

Breakthroughs don’t need to be massive. Dr. Dwight Peccora

Happiness is not the absence of problems. Dr. Craig Spodak

You should focus on the balance sheet. Dr. Trey Tippit