In this episode Paul talks about The Six Human Needs by Tony Robbins. Paul has been on a journey of self-discovery over the past ten years and read and listened to many speakers and mentors but a large part of his growth mindset has come from his ability to understand the six human needs in himself and those around him. So today he shares these and how you can use them to be more successful in all areas of your life.



Understanding the six human needs has really helped Paul not only progress and motivate himself but influence and manage the people around him including his family and those he works with. The Six Human Needs are as follows: Certainty Uncertainty/Variety Significance Connection/Love Growth Contribution Individuals priorities within these six needs will vary; different needs will rank differently for different people! Paul tailors his goals around the three ‘core’ needs for him personally, Significance, Contribution and Growth because that’s what drives him as a person. He still checks in with the other needs but he knows to focus on these three that he is geared towards. Think about the needs of those around you. Every one of us is different as a human being. You may have a team that all have different priorities, your key skill is to understand what this is for each person. Having that information is power for you.





“We reflect back on successes and we reflect back on life and it’s important we do that”


“These six human needs were core in my skillset as an entrepreneur”


“Understand where your balance lies, what you need most in life, how you can balance the next 12 months of your life to get the most from your six human needs”


“You can really become a true leader and drive them in the right direction”




The Six Human Needs – Tony Robbins


BulletProof Business Podcast



Paul Abercrombie

Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Founder of Multiple Businesses. Paul is on a mission to help business owners and Entrepreneurs achieve success.

"In 2008 I left my full-time job to follow my dream of owning my own business and building a better life for me and my family. Since then I have started 12 businesses, generated millions in sales revenue and employed hundreds of people. I have also had some epic failures, made many mistakes and it’s my mission to ensure other can learn from my experience, avoid the mistakes I have made and achieve success in both life and business!”



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