In this episode, Paul talks about service and value and why you need to focus on this in your business. It’s easy to just think about the ‘money’ side of business but Paul flips this on its head and talks about why service and value are just as equally, if not more, important.




Most people don’t spend enough time thinking about service and value in business. The best entrepreneurs and businesses in the world solve people’s problems first. Focusing on solving those problems for people and creating more value is what leads to longevity in business.




“They think of the money first not the principal of service and value”


“If you’re passionate about what you want to do…if you’re solving peoples problems, constantly delivering more value to your customers then they can pay you for then you’re going to have a long and lasting career”




BulletProof Business Podcast



Paul Abercrombie

Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Founder of Multiple Businesses. Paul is on a mission to help business owners and Entrepreneurs achieve success.

"In 2008 I left my full-time job to follow my dream of owning my own business and building a better life for me and my family. Since then I have started 12 businesses, generated millions in sales revenue and employed hundreds of people. I have also had some epic failures, made many mistakes and it’s my mission to ensure other can learn from my experience, avoid the mistakes I have made and achieve success in both life and business!”



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