The system i use to Manage My Goals


In this episode, I want to talk to you about the productivity system I use to ensure that I get the most from my month, my week, my year. Now, this is an area that takes a lot of work for me. I'm not a natural planner. If I let myself, I suffer from procrastination, and I really have to work hard to try and manage my time to get to where I need to get to.

For me, it all starts with my expectations. I used to set myself lots of goals, huge amounts that I wanted to achieve, and I'd be pissed off that I didn't achieve what I wanted. That was because I had unrealistic expectations. Now, I'm the first to say to anybody, "dream big" but dream big on one point, don't dream big on 50 different goals and expect to achieve, because the chances are, you won't.

This is the system that I use.

Paul Abercrombie

Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Founder of Multiple Businesses . Paul is on a mission to help business owners and Entrepreneurs achieve success.

"In 2008 I left my full time Job to follow my dream of owning my own business and building a better life for me and my family. Since them I have started 12 businesses, generated millions in sales revenue and employed hundreds of people. I have also had some epic failures, made many mistakes and its my mission to ensure other can learn from my experience, avoid the mistakes I have made and achieve success in both life and business!”




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