In this episode, Paul talks about the social media platform everyone is talking about right now, Clubhouse! Paul has spent the last 14 days on clubhouse, tune in today to listen to his thoughts and tips.


Clubhouse launched in March 2020 for a select group of celebrities. It was a very closed platform. It’s still relatively closed now as you have to be invited to join. Clubhouse is an audio only platform. You enter rooms and can listen to people speak. You can also engage by ‘raising your hand’ and actually ask questions rather than just leaving comments like you would on a platform like Facebook. If you want to start a business you want to get onto clubhouse asap. It’s a bit like the old social media in the sense you follow someone and they follow you back. But the difference is you can find your target clients/customers more easily. Participation is key. If you are going to join a room try to talk and add value. It’s got a great biography function. You can make it short, long, include links and so much more. It gives you great access to others and can give people good access to you too. It’s very much like a mastermind, except it’s completely free!


“Some of these guys are HUGE, you are talking about people you would never normally get access to”

“It’s like a class-A drug for anybody that wants to consume content”

 “The people on the room got great answers, it’s insane what that one app can give to people at the moment”


BulletProof Business Podcast



Paul Abercrombie

Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Founder of Multiple Businesses. Paul is on a mission to help business owners and Entrepreneurs achieve success.

"In 2008 I left my full-time job to follow my dream of owning my own business and building a better life for me and my family. Since then I have started 12 businesses, generated millions in sales revenue and employed hundreds of people. I have also had some epic failures, made many mistakes and it’s my mission to ensure other can learn from my experience, avoid the mistakes I have made and achieve success in both life and business!”



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