In this week’s show, Paul dives deeper into Clubhouse, the new social media phenomenon that’s become one of the go-to ways to build an audience through audio engagement.

Paul talks about the three key insights he’s learned after spending time on the inside, so that you can energise your growth there, or make ready for when the gates well and truly open.


You must be tactical and strategic when it comes to the time you spend inside Clubhouse. Don’t spend all your time on the same rooms. Choose wisely and get the most from your time there. Smaller, more specific rooms that have the potential to become far larger, and become thought-leader led. Ideas grow fast and strong. Remember that with all social media apps, there are consumers and there are producers. Always strive to be a producer and not a consumer.


‘Get into Clubhouse and be tactical about what you want from it’

‘Now, this is a conversation between moderators’

‘Clubhouse is like a mastermind on steroids’


BulletProof Business Podcast


Paul Abercrombie

Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Founder of Multiple Businesses. Paul is on a mission to help business owners and Entrepreneurs achieve success.

"In 2008 I left my full-time job to follow my dream of owning my own business and building a better life for me and my family. Since then I have started 12 businesses, generated millions in sales revenue and employed hundreds of people. I have also had some epic failures, made many mistakes and it’s my mission to ensure other can learn from my experience, avoid the mistakes I have made and achieve success in both life and business!”


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