Next Episode: Business Automation

In this episode of Bulletproof Business Paul talks about business text stat. What’s a text stat? A text stat is a collection of tools, apps or software, and platforms that you can put together to allow you to run your business, build better products or services, and/or deliver your products or services. Text stat removes friction inside your organization. Too many of us sign up to so many software apps and subscriptions because we think the answer or the secret sauce is in the new software platform or subscription. In this episode, we will learn why text stat is important and how you can use it within your business or organization. We will also be discussing the five areas of software buckets. These are the buckets that your software systems need to seek into your organisation. So, there will be a lot of technical terms in this episode but we will break it down so you can fully understand what these things are and how important they are in your business.

In the podcast you will learn:  What is a text stat The five areas of software buckets What are the services you need for your business What are APIs What’s a Zapi app

Bulletproof Business is the show brought to you by serial entrepreneur and business scaling expert Paul Abercrombie to help you understand and overcome your biggest challenges in business. From his experience in growing multiple businesses Paul shares his 8 Figure insights, lessons and methodology to help those building businesses and brands to put the right systems and processes in place in order to scale successfully, without the growing pains. 

This show is a mixture of expert lessons from Paul himself revolving around the principles and practices that he puts around his own businesses plus guest interviews with other small business owners who come to him for business growth consultancy and revenue generating brand building advice. 

For more information and resources discussed in this episode, head to right now for further details.