Previous Episode: The Book That Rewired My Brain
Next Episode: What Do You Believe In

Ever found yourself frozen, waiting for the perfect moment to make a business move? Or stuck pondering over minor member complaints, only to end up putting off major beneficial changes?

Of course, you have.

But what actually matters is adapting quickly to changes, not waiting for everything to line up perfectly. After all, quick, decisive actions often lead to greater success than detailed plans that never get off the ground.

That’s exactly what Tim and Randy dive into in this episode as they discuss "perfection paralysis" — a common trap for many gym owners. They break down the psychology of decision-making and the high costs of indecision.

They also share how simple, daily decisions reflect our ability to tackle bigger challenges. Plus, they share tips on how to stop hesitating and how making fast decisions has driven their business growth.

Got something you've been putting off, waiting for the perfect conditions? Tune in to learn how to break free from perfectionism and why making a move — any move — is better than standing still.

Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

Intro (00:00)Importance of taking imperfect action (00:35)Real-world business adaptations and outcomes (04:58)Decision-making speed as a success indicator (05:09)Detailed discussion on decision-making in business settings (09:01)Price adjustment decisions (13:57)Recap (16:27)

Additional Resources:

- ProFit Accelerator: Helping Training Gyms Grow to 30K/month and Beyond Facebook group 

- Join the waitlist for tickets to the 2024 FitPro Growth Summit

- Reserve your spot for our 2-day experience in Scottsdale, AZ, May 30-31. Click to join.

- An app designed for semi-private training - Semi Private Pro

- Business Accelerator Program

- Learn more about The Iron Circle 

- Jump on a call with Randy


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