Wrapped assets allow different tokens to be ported to other chains and used in new and interesting ways.
Will and the team at Wrapped are leading the way in this area.

Topics we cover:
-What is the benefit to wrapping assets?
-Is there risk?
-Advice you would give to a new developer entering Web3?
-Is the future a Bitcoin world or a multi-chain world?
and much more.

Follow Will on Twitter: @wbnns
Follow Wrapped: @WrappedFi


Follow me on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain
Stay updated with everything on Stacks:

Wrapped assets allow different tokens to be ported to other chains and used in new and interesting ways.
Will and the team at Wrapped are leading the way in this area.

Topics we cover:
-What is the benefit to wrapping assets?
-Is there risk?
-Advice you would give to a new developer entering Web3?
-Is the future a Bitcoin world or a multi-chain world?
and much more.

Follow Will on Twitter: @wbnns
Follow Wrapped: @WrappedFi


Follow Built on Bitcoin on Twitter: @JakeBlockchain
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The Tech & Services that power this podcast:
bCast Podcast Platform - Powers every episode of Built on Bitcoin you've listened to.

Ledger Hardware Wallet - Keep your Bitcoin & Stacks secure with a Ledger hardware wallet

OkCoin Crypto Exchange (Love their support of Stacks & Low Fees)