Previous Episode: Your Story
Next Episode: Your Values & Beliefs

Today we're going to tackle your why or your purpose. 

The problem is without a strong why or a strong purpose behind why you do your business, you'll be vulnerable to a potential rival who does have one. I'm not saying you can't be successful without one. You can succeed but the vulnerability is when a competition enters your marketplace and they have a clear defined why. Many of your customers will probably leave you for them and even worse, any new customers we'll go to them as well. 

How to find out your WHY? 

1. Why are you passionate about your business? 

Why would you work late at night?   Why do you look forward to coming into work in the morning?  What excites you about what you're doing?   What is inspiring? 

2. What can you provide that others can't? 

Is there a particular unique insight into the business?  Have you worked in a place that has a high credibility with your audience?   Do you have a service that is unique to you?   Why are you passionate?  Why do you stay to this business?

3. What do you want to be known for?