Next Episode: Your Why

Today we're going to be talking about your Brand Story. All of the brands that I gravitate to tend to have a strong brand story. It's something that I can relate to or I can appreciate which makes me have a deep respect and understanding for that brand.

It's often this kind of relationship or attitude toward a brand that it's going to increase our loyalty toward that brand. 

We all know if we have loyal customers we have a greater chance of being able to grow our business using that loyalty to help us. 

If you don't have a clear brand story, it's going to be hard to become memorable. Today's society when there's so much competing for attention being memorable is a huge attribute when it comes to having a successful brand.  

This is why we need to get this right. We need to outline how to do it and then how to showcase that in your business so that people know about it and share it with others.

Key Takeaways: 

Look back at your life outline any major moments that have changed your direction from a career point of view personal or professional.  Pick out anything significant that you can remember then refine that list down to the top five to seven key moments and try and work out what was the silver lining.  How did those moments change me for the better?  What was the lesson I learned from that?  The final bit is putting it all together. What are my goals for the future? Where am I taking my business? What am I going to be doing?  

Putting that all in a nice story so that people understand your vision and they're excited to be part of it.  

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