Hosted by multiple iTunes Top 10 podcaster James Burtt, Building The Brand is in-depth conversations with the entrepreneurs, founders, marketing and brand experts, PR specialists, CEO’s and CMO’s who have built some of the countries most successful companies and brands.

To celebrate going over 100 shows this week we are re-running some of the best shows that we have enjoyed creating in the last century of content! So it is our great pleasure to re-bring you Michael Lane - MD of the world’s biggest business events brand Success Resources.  Michael have been on the show before (LISTEN TO THAT 1ST INTERVIEW HERE but the world is a different place since then so this show give you an interesting insight in how to run a massive global business… from your living room!

Michael shares:

* From 525 events to zero pretty much overnight

* Crazy three weeks from meetings in LA with Jay Shetty to working from home

* What he feels personal development is all about

* How he’s handling managing global staff with differing local rules

* How the Success Resources brand are pivoting online

* The opportunity of Coronavirus lock down

* How to structure your time during this time


Handling the process of going from 525 events to zero is no mean feat, and there are some real tangible takeaways from the insight of a man who is guiding his global team through this strange times.

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