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This week on Building The Brand James is introducing you to his sideline podcast venture ‘The Future Of Clubhouse’. This is the weekly podcast where James is joined by his expert panel of pals to discuss the weekly Town Hall Meeting from the Clubhouse founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth, sharing the very latest updates and developments on this fast growing audio-first platform.

The specialist guests are brand, marketing, social media and business growth experts, plus successful Venture Capitalists who will breakdown the latest news from Clubhouse creators and share what it means to ever-growing millions of content makers, influencers, moderators, speakers and brand builders who are using the platform.

In this introductory first episode of The Future Of Clubhouse the panel discuss  “Discovery + Improving User Experience”, as the main conversation in the most recent town hall revolved around the founders drive to improve user experience - having spent the last few weeks focused on scaling up - and we dive into what an increase in Discoverability would look like on the platform.

James is joined by social media influencer Victoria Winterford, publishing expert Georgia Kirke, LinkedIn Marketing agency owner Ashley Shipman and Lead Generation pro Gary Das to share their insights .

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