In this episode we talk about what to do when you're bored in your relationship with God.

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Building Faith Podcast from Kris Reece Ministries is a podcast to provide biblical solutions to life's tough challenges.


Have you ever been in a relationship that just got boring? So maybe the things you once did together are no longer thrilling.  The love doesn’t feel is electric. And what was once exciting is now, just Monday, maybe in the beginning, meeting for a cup of coffee was the highlight of your day and now it’s a major inconvenience. But what do you do when it happens with your relationship with God? What do you do when you’re bored with God? 

If you are in a place where you don’t sense God’s presence, your faith doesn’t have the same fire and you feel like you’re just going through the motions, maybe you read your Bible, you say your prayers, but it just all feels flat. There are some checkpoints that can help you to rekindle your relationship and these checkpoints are similar to the ones that we experienced. 

Like with your car, we have check lights for a lot of different issues. We have a check engine light, low gas light, open door lights, and the purpose of these check lights is to alert you to a problem and you could ignore these check lights but to your own peril. And the same applies to our spiritual check lights.

So, today I want to talk to you about four areas that you need to check if you find yourself bored with God.

Check #1 – Check your expectations. If you’re the type to say, “God, when are you going to and fill in the blank.” Why aren’t you and fill in the blank then? It’s possible that your expectations are off and you lost the point of your relationship. Look, it’s dangerous, it’s a dangerous place when a Christian reaches, a state of entitlement. Unfortunately, we often make our relationship with God all about us and what we get from it. Well, this doesn’t bode well in any relationship, especially with our Heavenly Father who has blessed us so abundantly, so if you find yourself constantly looking for experiences, encounters, miracles, blessings, or otherwise needing to be wowed by God, you’ve likely slipped into a state of expectation an unhealthy state of expectation in your relationship with him. If God is only exciting when he’s showing up and showing out in your life. There’s a problem.

Now, imagine that I came home every day from work and I expected my husband to just wow me. I expected him to provide me with an intense emotional connection. Wow me with even bigger surprises than yesterday and otherwise bend over backward to prove that he loves me. Wouldn’t that get old and exhausting? It would get incredibly exhausting for him and I would now become entitled because it’s now all about me. How much more are you going to be able to do? The truth is, we should be there for God, our prayer should not be that God what are you doing for me? But rather God, what do you want from me? Colossians 1:16, says it best, “for by him all things were created in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, all things were created through him and for him.” Check number one, check your expectations.

Check #2 – Check your deposits.  What are you putting into the relationship, look you would never think that you could go to the bank and withdraw money from an account that you, never deposited into would you? While our relationship with God is not quite the same. We could never outgive God. And we certainly don’t have to earn our Salvation. What we get out of a relationship, however, is often linked to whatever we put into it. And there was a time in my Christian wal