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Does it seem like the narcissist in your life just skates by and gets away with their manipulative, destructive behavior, almost like they're somehow immune to justice?

Today, I want to give you the clarity you're craving about why God's justice might seem a little slow, and EXACTLY how God deals with issues of pride, manipulation, and deceit.

 My friend, stick with me, because by the end of our time today, your wavering faith WILL be strengthened.

 There's a character in the bible that always reminds me of God's justice. Perhaps you know her from the books of 1 and 2 Kings. She was a Phoenician princess who was the wife of Ahab, king of Israel. And her name was Jezebel.

 Jezebel was a spiteful, wicked, manipulative, malicious woman who presented as charming and attractive, and who at times played victim.

 Sound like anyone you know?

 Narcissists are notorious for putting on the performance of being everything you need. But beneath the surface, they are self-centered, immature, entitled brats who will stop at nothing to get what they want.  

 Jezebel was infamously known for promoting the worship of Baal, a Canaanite deity, in Israel, directly opposing the worship of God. She was also famous for her role in the persecution of the prophets of God, including the murder of Naboth, simply because her husband wanted his vineyard.

 In our lives, she's the mother who seems to get away with her constant abuse. She's the woman at the office who has the boss fooled into thinking she’s a team player. 

 But SHE doesn't need to be a SHE. 

 This Jezebel behavior is no respecter of genders. In fact, there are some predictable patterns that I want you to start looking out for--patterns you might otherwise miss if you're focused on the fear and frustration.  

 For starters: God will not tolerate idolatry and falsehood.

 Jezebel's promotion of Baal worship and her attempts to suppress the worship of God represent the pinnacle of how the narcissist operates. 

 Like Jezebel, narcissists create false images and exalt themselves at the expense of others  

God hates idol worship. Let's go back to Exodus 20. It says, ’You shall have no other gods before me.’ 

 The narcissist’s carved image is their mirror, because narcissists worship themselves. They exalt themselves and anything they desire above God.  

 Don't be fooled my friend, they're not content with just worshipping themselves. They need YOU to worship them too.

 Do you ever wonder why things always go south when you raise an issue or express a concern or a dislike about them? Their ego is as fragile as that mirror.  

 And just like God warned the people of Israel in Deuteronomy 6 not to follow other gods, just like He also sent warnings to Jezebel, He will also send warnings to the narcissist.  

 You can always expect God to be merciful and give us chance after chance.

 In His next phase, God will send warnings.

 Jezebel’s fate didn’t have to end the way it did. 

 Narcissists (and all of us for that matter) are given chance after chance, warning after warning to turn from our ways.    

 How many times did God have to tug on your heart before you answered the call?  

If we heed those warnings, it can lead to repentance and restoration.

If we ignore them, we head for destruction, full steam ahead.

And that's exactly what He did for Jezebel. Elijah and other prophets were sent to stand up to her