Have you ever wondered, is this the devil tempting me, God testing me or is it just me?
That's the question we answer in today's episode.

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Building Faith Podcast from Kris Reece Ministries is a podcast to provide biblical solutions to life's tough challenges.


Have you ever asked yourself the question? “Is this the devil tempting me, God testing me, or is it just me?”

Well, that’s the question that we’re going to answer 1 Peter, 5:8 reminds us to “be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking, whom he can devour.”

And there is no doubt that the enemy’s purpose has always and always will be the same to kill, steal, and destroy. So it is wise for us as believers to always be armed to resist and fight against his schemes. But the trials and the troubles that we go through in this life can be many. And many times they can be intense. So how do we know if it’s the devil attacking, God refining, or a result of the consequence of our sin?

And if we don’t carefully discern the difference, the plan that we put in place could be completely fruitless at best and at worst, get us actually into deeper trouble.

So let’s talk today about how to discern whether your troubles are from God, the devil, or just you.

So let’s start with God. There are two extreme schools of thought when it comes to the troubles of God. Some will say that the bad things that happen to people in life are a direct result of sin and usually their sin. You have trouble you must have done something wrong somewhere along the line to deserve it. And to think to this extreme actually removes God’s grace and mercy. The other group will say that because God is love that he doesn’t want to see us in pain or discomfort.

So, therefore, there is no way that this could be coming from God. To think to this extreme actually removes God’s justice and righteousness. You see Jesus was clear in John 16:33 when he said, “I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”

It is, however, difficult to see that some of our let’s call them issues, could be from God, meaning that he is actually orchestrating this on purpose. But if we believe that God is good and He wants nothing but good for our lives, then it is reasonable to assume that He would sometimes bring us through challenges that can lead us to greater victory.

How is their victory without a challenge? How is there a mountaintop without a valley? How is their faith with no trial?

God can and will use testing in trials for a number of reasons.

The least of which is to grow you in godly character and grow your faith in Him. Not too long ago, asked me how to rebuke the devil for bringing all these toxic people into her life. And what she failed to recognize is that it was God actually putting her in those situations to strengthen and grow her. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to “be thankful in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

So what’s the solution? If you want to be in the perfect will of God don’t rebuke God’s correction, discipline, and direction instead submit yourself to it. He is Sovereign, He can be trusted and be thankful. No, you don’t have to pretend to be happy about the circumstances. But you can rejoice in knowing that He will use whatever you’re going through for your good and for His glory.

The next is the flesh. Did you know that it’s the flesh that causes people to backslide?

Matthew 26:41 reminds us that “the spirit is willing, but the fles