If you are struggling with insecurity and want to walk in a confidence that is back by heaven, join me in this episode as we talk about building confidence powered by God.


Have you ever wondered what God wants you to do with your life? I know what it’s like to want to find your calling but not know where to start and our fast-paced world where daily demands, dictate more of our destiny than God does. It’s no wonder. We feel cut off from God’s roadmap for our lives.

And that’s why I am hosting a live online workshop on Saturday, January 29th from 12 to 2 Eastern on How to Find your God-given Purpose.

If you are ready to answer the cry for purpose, with the determination to discover that, I hope you will join me. What do you define as confident? Is it a strong assertive personality? Is it someone who knows what they want and then goes after it?  You may see only confident people fulfilling their God-given purpose.

What if I told you that your concept of confidence may be a little skewed. Romans, 12:2 reminds us to “not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds” and we know what the world says about confidence. It says people who push ahead or confident people who demand their way are confident people who constantly say they are confident must be confident, but I submit to you that much of what we’ve been taught about confidence isn’t confidence at all. It’s actually pride and insecurity. Yes. That’s right. Many of the people that you think are confident are simply overcompensating to disguise their insecurities.

Think about it. Far fewer people would be caught in toxic narcissistic relationships if they were better able to discern Godly confidence from pride and insecurity.  Since we don’t want to follow the pattern of this world. We asked the question. What is the Bible say about confidence? Well, Philippians 4:13 says that “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” So you wouldn’t feel confident with the ability to do anything. So why don’t we? Why do you struggle with your confidence in your appearance, in your abilities, in your direction, in your purpose, in your mannerisms?

Why do you struggle to feel confident? Well, I believe it’s because you’re focusing on the wrong thing. You.  All of the Scriptures in the Bible that refer to confidence, bring hope because they are grounded in him. That’s right in God, not you. I can do all things through him, who gives me strength, be strong and courageous, God is with you to find that, and Joshua 1:9, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.” Psalm 138:8.

The biblical references are extensive and they have one thing in common. It’s all about being able to be and do what we’re called to do with God. So, it’s no wonder that we feel insecure. When we try to build confidence in our own strengths. We were never meant to, and maybe you’re stuck in insecurities, call dependency, or just unable to find and fulfill your god-given purpose. And I would venture to guess that much of what you’re struggling with. Comes back to a confidence issue.

So,  let’s talk today about the steps to building confidence that is powered by God, so you can move forward in all that God’s calling you to do.

#1 – Be Yourself.  Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it full well.” That’s great advice. When someone says to just be yourself, but the question is, do you know who you are?

God has created you very unique, you were created on purpose for a purpose. But before you can discover what God has called you to do, you have to discover who God has created you to be. You are so much more than the sum of your experiences or the tox