In our final episode of the year, Amanda interviews Alison Arnoff, Executive Coach, Founder of Dare2Be Coaching, and world traveler. Alison has more than twenty-five years of experience in management, marketing, sales, and engineering. She has helped build seven startup companies, resulting in five acquisitions and two IPOs. Alison has used her drive, curiosity, and creative problem solving to help build and support new companies and the people who lead them. And, if you find her hiking up the side of a volcano or swimming with sharks, don't be surprised. She's no stranger to travel and adventure!

Alison talks to Amanda about the times in her career when she felt stuck and mistreated. She shares how she extricated herself from those situations to embark on her current career path that’s a great fit for her values, strengths and experience. She also talks about the inspiration and renewal she has felt in her world travels and finding her tribe at home and abroad. She chats about building her successful coaching business and her enjoyment of working with high performers to help them see what's next in their careers. 

For more information about Alison, her coaching offerings, and to schedule a complimentary consultation with her, visit


Interested in connecting or finding out more about coaching or workshops? Get in touch!



Looking for a handy guide to help you with your confidence and communication? Here you go!

Your Guide to Public Speaking: Build Your Confidence: Find Your Voice, Inspire Your Audience (by your host, Amanda Hennessey)