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Episode 1: Ascending the Pain Podcast : Building Bulletproof backs 

Show notes: 

Welcome to the First ever episode of Building Bulletproof Backs podcast. 

This podcast aims to empower listeners with HOPE that healing is possible when you know how. We discuss strategic tools addressing mental, physical and emotional Health.

To Build your own Bulletproof Back go Here
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I am your host, Marion McRae, a physiotherapist & movement addict on a mission to see the existing model of treating back pain evolve. The current model is broken. It focusses almost entirely on the physical body, neglecting the fact that we are all both thinkers and feelers. When the thoughts in our head, and the the emotions in our bodies are less than optimal, we fail to thrive. 

Our Guest for the first episode is my long term physiotherapy client, and now friend, Kay Savory - who shares her story of how her decision to “not suffer” led her to find her greatest salvation tool - Ascension Meditation

In this podcast episode, she shares with us how she clawed her way out of the rut, and is now able to co-exist with reduced pain, has withdrawn from some of her prescription medication, and has found inner joy and peace - regardless of her pain status. 

Kay’s tools: 

Use Mental strategy to redefine your relationship with the pain Stop labelling things, so that the relationship with it also drops. Start meditating -Kay’s preferred method - Ascension meditation. Goto to learn more. A core belief which serves her well “The body reacts to the mind and the mind reacts to the soul” 

Kay’s Top 3 tips 

Research as much as you want to, but within a limit. Find a meditation practice that works for you. Go on a journey to find a different way. Be open to knowing there is one. 

Links : 

Ascension Meditation - Bright path website -
Marion's Book and Courses - Building Bulletproof Backs

Time stamp : 

The source of kay’s back pain[ 0:58]
 Kay, a beautiful bird caught in her own body's trap[4:35]
 Kay’s search for the key to open the trap door, shift in mindset [5:25] Mental strategy to redefine the relationship to the pain [6:45]
 The mental redefinition of disease as just a label [7:24]
 Using Ascension Meditation as

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Holistic Back Pain Rehabilitation includes tools for your mind, your heart and your body. For help with this - VISIT

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Or trialling a simple online course $ 27 - $ 700
Or seek assistance with a trained Bulletproof Backs Coach $ 195
(coaches are all physiotherapists with additional training in holistic practices)
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