Every business is invested in growing and developing its leaders. If they can be taught, they can lead. And, good leadership has a ripple effect.

While the need for greater leadership development has never been more critical, determining what kind of solution will best equip your team to lead successfully—today and into the future—remains a difficult task. The corporate learning industry is filled with different L&D offerings, but what really sets them apart?

BetterManager practices Directed Coaching, where our coaches and facilitators bring their real-world business and people management experience, their professional coaching expertise, and their wisdom into every 1:1 engagement.

Unlike traditional approaches to coaching, where the focus is primarily on asking powerful questions to enable individuals to find their own answers, BetterManager coaches act as true thought partners, brainstorming ideas and offering guidance when asked.

Karen Benz is the Vice President of Coaching at BetterManager and an experienced executive coach herself with an extensive background in leadership and management. In this episode, she brings her firsthand insight into this important distinction and “pulls back the curtain” on BetterManager’s unique and personalized approach to effective leadership development.

If you’ve ever been curious about why we’ve grown into the top-rated leadership development platform, this is the episode you’ve been waiting for.

For transcripts and other available downloads, please visit the BetterManager website.

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