Sales Trainer/Coach~Sandy spent fifteen years as a practicing attorney, serving as “rainmaker” for his own successful law firm. He discovered he loved—and
had a knack for—winning the hearts and minds of clients, but was unhappy with a career doing the legal work that his marketing efforts produced. In
1992, he began a battle with colon cancer and complications from treatment that left him totally disabled for over a year. When he realized he was
going to recover, he started to dream of a career that would bring him joy and fulfillment. Eventually, he found that joy and fulfillment in
the work he does today.

For more than twelve years, Sandy has been coaching and training professionals and entrepreneurs to grow their practices and
businesses—helping them with strategies to get them more clients and better clients—and to develop support systems to keep those clients

Striving to recognize and overcome the fears that rendered him too
paralyzed to go after his dreams became the inspiration for Sandy’s first
published book, THE HIGH DIVING BOARD: How to Overcome Your Fears and
Live Your Dreams. His newest book is BECOME A CLIENT MAGNET: 27
Strategies to Boost Your Client-Attraction Factor.

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