CEO Marketing Mentors Inc., has coached over 30,000 business owners and service professionals on effective and affordable business development strategies. He’s been interviewed on radio programs and TV networks, and quoted by numerous newspapers and magazines as an expert in creating online and offline marketing systems that quickly generate big profit explosions. Originally from Poland, Adam built his first million dollar business in just ten years, starting with only $194 and VERY limited ability to speak English when he first came to US in 1989. He started his current consulting business and turned it into another million dollar success. Despite the current economic turmoil, Adam’s own company had grown at a rate of over 100% per year for the past four years in a row. Adam is an author of several marketing programs, including ‘Attract Clients Like Crazy’,‘From Contacts to Contracts’, ‘Info Profit Success’ and ‘Secrets of Master Networkers’, and his high-impact boot camps attract consultants and coaches from all other the world including countries like Australia, Singapore, Bermuda, Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, and many more. More importantly, in the past two years alone, several of Adam clients have grown their own professional service firms from start up to multiples of six, even seven figure success!

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