Today’s episode is inspired by one of our listeners all the way from Ankara in Turkey, and she shared this question as part of the Listening Tour we did in May.
"Digital skills - I know they’re important to have, but where do I start?"
If you look up digital skills on Google, you’ll find various lists out there ranging from top 10 skills to some other websites that encourage learning as many as 60 digital trends.  
Instead of feeling like you need to cross every single skill on these lists.. we should start with asking ourselves:

How can we create better outcomes for people and society by considering a digital approach to solving problems?
Which of the digital trends are you most curious about to learn that will achieve this outcome?

In todays episode I’m going to share 3 quick examples:

Digital upskilling to pivot / grow your career
Digital upskilling to augment your client experience & gain a competitive advantage for your business
Become familiar with how digital trends are shaping our world

The most important thing is to learn at your own pace, in a way that suits your style. and practice applying what you’ve learned.
It may feel overwhelming at first, but the more you ask  “wouldn’t it be amazing if"  instead of looking at what’s been done before, the more you'll enjoy learning it your way and at your own pace.
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