To me, play-based learning to children are what “learning sand pits” are to adults.
A learning sand pit is an avenue to discover, experiment, create, iterate and imagine in a way that is driven by your intrinsic motivation.
I learn better by doing rather than over-thinking it. 
I learn best when there is skin in the game. 
Learning is a whole lot more fun when I get to experiment ideas outside of work without the red tape.
What motivates me to build a learning sand pit?
I’m a big believer in maximising opportunities around you to learn new skills.  The biggest reason of all is that I find that when I apply skills across different situations, that's actually what makes me learn more effectively and makes me enjoy the learning process as well.
In this episode, I share how I multiplied what I learned with my learning sand pits, built adaptability, agility and skills that are now part of my personal brand.
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