We typically give quite a bit of thought to most of our kitchen appliance choices. But exhaust hoods… they get much less love.  Most people don’t give range hoods the attention they deserve. They might think some about the aesthetic design of the range hood, but not a lot of people think through how to size and position a hood, and what features they should look for in a range hood that will give them the perfect balance of suction power and quietness.

If you think about it, the range hood, also called an exhaust hood and a vent hood is one of the more hardworking appliances in the kitchen.  Because it removes irritating fumes, smoke, heat, odors, and potentially damaging moisture, the exhaust hood allows for a safer, more comfortable, cleaner, less smelly, and more enjoyable kitchen experience.   In this episode, we’ll discuss a few things that will help us make informed decisions about what sort of hood we should choose. 

Show notes at BYHYU.com