Hope you had a great Christmas and I’m wishing you a happy new year. I want to sincerely thank you for continuing to listen to and share this podcast.  I realize that there is a ton of content out here so I’m grateful that you take time out of your schedule to support BYHYU.    An extra thank you goes to those of you who have given positive feedback to me either through emails or reviews.  And to those who have shared your favorite episodes through text, email or on your social media platforms. It’s so helpful when you become an ambassador for the show and encourage others to listen.  I appreciate you very much for that.

Okay, let’s go to a show that was published a few years ago that contains information that’s still relevant today.   Since 99% have some degree of budgetary limitations during our builds, we’ll have decided where to save and where to splurge.  This show gives you some suggestions.  Let’s get right to it.

Show notes at BYHYU.com
