Patty followed the path her family set out for her. College, Corporate career and an MBA. 

This was all great until in 2008 her world changed. Like many Americans, she was let go in the GFC. 

She got some help from a coach and leveraged her corporate experience and natural abilities to help others position themselves in a crowded world.  


The key benefit of listening to my interview with Patty

How you can show up and be clear How you can personalise at scale  A very clever way to build strategic partnerships 


What you will also learn

The importance of using a coach Surrounding yourself with people you would like to be like  Different levels of complexity at different revenue revenue  How to play to your strengths Why you should not reject all your corporate experience  Framework for social proof How to get better at video 


Patty's top 3 personal effectiveness tips

The night before, write out the next day Sit in silence or walk for creative ideas Phone on Airplane mode


Tech Patty could not live without to run her business



Best source of ideas 

Room full of smarter people than you Links Positioning assessment Taki Moore John Maxwell


Connect With Patty Dominguez

On LinkedIn On Twitter: @PattyDominguez_


Connect With Paul and Build Live Give

On LinkedIn On Twitter: @BuildLiveGive On Facebook On Instagram: @BuildLiveGive


Thank You for Tuning In!

If you want to break through all the noise on LinkedIn and reach your ideal client without creating loads of content or breaking the bank on ads - go to to learn our three secrets. 


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