Previous Episode: Ep #79 The Chaos of Grief
Next Episode: Ep #81 Doing It Right

With all the turmoil in the world, you may not feel like taking action right now and that’s ok. In this episode I share why action is important, ways you can take small action steps to get big results and actions to help you with your overwhelming emotions. As Susan Jeffers, PhD wrote in her […]

With all the turmoil in the world, you may not feel like taking action right now and that’s ok.

In this episode I share why action is important, ways you can take small action steps to get big results and actions to help you with your overwhelming emotions.

As Susan Jeffers, PhD wrote in her book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, “much of the trick of moving from pain to power is taking action. Action is very powerful.”

Let’s move forward in small ways to create some power.

Are you struggling with your grief? Are you feeling like no one understands? Then the Healing: Body, Mind and Spirit webinar series is for you. You’ll feel supported, you’ll get your questions answered and you’ll learn life-changing information.

Join us for the May Healing: Body, Mind and Spirit webinar.

Register today for May 5, 2020 at 6:30-8:30 MT:

Use the Promo Code EARLY512 to get the webinar for 30% off.

Build a Life After Loss Quick links:

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Click here to get your copy of 3 Daily Practices to Begin Building a Life After Loss now.

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