From a Psychology Today article we learn, “Regret is the second-most common emotion people mention in daily life, some studies show. And it’s the most common negative emotion. …we’re continually rewriting history in our heads instead of playing the cards in our hand.” When we try to live with no regret, we become perfectionists which […]

From a Psychology Today article we learn, “Regret is the second-most common emotion people mention in daily life, some studies show. And it’s the most common negative emotion. …we’re continually rewriting history in our heads instead of playing the cards in our hand.”

When we try to live with no regret, we become perfectionists which is an impossible path.

While we can’t live completely with no regret, when we recognize regret, we can remember that everything happens for a reason and if it’s something we can correct in the future we can focus on making that change.

Instead of living in a state of constant regret, we can turn our attention to what we’ve learned, understanding that we cannot make decisions for our past self from our present self.

When we live with constant regret and pain, we miss the lessons, the blessings, and the meaning of life.

Life is not meant to beat you down, life is meant to build you!

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Love, Julie