I’m super excited to share my interview with my friend and fellow coach, Rebecca Tervo.  She shares the decisions she made to move forward with life after her son’s death and how she learned to create a life of purpose and joy. Rebecca’s 17 year old son Trevor, died unexpectedly by suicide in 2012. Her […]

I’m super excited to share my interview with my friend and fellow coach, Rebecca Tervo.  She shares the decisions she made to move forward with life after her son’s death and how she learned to create a life of purpose and joy.

Rebecca’s 17 year old son Trevor, died unexpectedly by suicide in 2012. Her life took a major, unhealthy turn in the years following his death.

In 2016, she chose to figure out what her purpose was.

As part of her healing, she left a 24 year accounting career, lost over 35 pounds, started a coaching business, and learned how to create the life she lives today.

She has authored 2 books, shares her story nationally in front of all types of audiences, and is leading a Healing Hearts Retreat in Chicago in October 2019 for Moms grieving a suicide loss.

You can reach Rebecca at her website at RebeccaTervo.com or on Facebook at @rebeccatervo.

Join the conversation at Build a Life After Loss on Facebook.

Love you, Juile