“If I could, I would give every griever permission to be however they need to be, for as long as they need to.” -Jess McCormack These words spoke to me as I read Jess’s article Loving A Grieving Friend – Even When It’s Hard at Still Standing Magazine online. We’ve probably all had that friend […]

“If I could, I would give every griever permission to be however they need to be, for as long as they need to.” -Jess McCormack

These words spoke to me as I read Jess’s article Loving A Grieving Friend – Even When It’s Hard at Still Standing Magazine online.

We’ve probably all had that friend or friends who have tried to talk us out of our grief, talk us out of feeling bad, talk us out of the longing for our child.

Sometimes I worry that I am that friend.  That as I share self development stories and ideas along with grief experiences that you may think that I’m trying to talk you into feeling better. In reality I’m trying to give you permission to feel better if and when you’re ready.

I recognize that everyone is in a different place. Some are in the throes of the really awful, hard stuff and some are starting to emerge and are looking for more. Others are starting to experience the beauty of rediscovering themselves after a long painful period.

In my efforts to speak to each of you, no matter where you are, please know that I am the first to give you permission to grieve.

I love you! And I believe in you! I believe in your ability and right to grieve in your way. I believe in your growth. And I believe in your joy and purpose even if you don’t right now. That’s ok.

I give you “permission to be however you need to be, for as long as you need to”, even if no one else does.

Quick Links:

Download the 3 Simple Practices to Start Feeling Better: http://Buildalifeafterloss.com

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Email me at [email protected] to set up a time to chat.

Love you,
