Your emotions fuel your actions and outcomes. What emotion fueled 2020? What emotion do you want to fuel 2021? In this episode you’ll learn how to look at your emotions in a different way, how to use your mind to lead the way and how to create the emotions you want to fuel your progress. […]

Your emotions fuel your actions and outcomes. What emotion fueled 2020? What emotion do you want to fuel 2021? In this episode you’ll learn how to look at your emotions in a different way, how to use your mind to lead the way and how to create the emotions you want to fuel your progress.

Listen in and make 2021 your year for healing.

Also join us for a special free webinar, Healing Your Grieving Heart, on January 14th at 2pm MT. Register today at It’s 30 minutes of goodness to help you on your way to starting 2021 to be your healing year. Grief is hard. I know it is. But it’s also possible to heal and you can make great progress in your healing in 2021. More progress in healing than you have any idea is possible.  You really can! I know how to guide you there. Let’s do this.

Build a Life After Loss Quick links:

Healing Your Grieving Heart, free webinar, January 14th 2pm MT:

Schedule Your Free Discovery call:

Order my book Miracles in the Darkness and hear other podcast episodes at

