Today I have a special guest on the podcast. I met Emily when we were attending the Grief Recovery Specialist certification training. Because we both had lost a child, I felt an instant connection to Emily and her journey. She is an inspiration as she has used her gifts as a writer and her experiences […]

Today I have a special guest on the podcast. I met Emily when we were attending the Grief Recovery Specialist certification training. Because we both had lost a child, I felt an instant connection to Emily and her journey. She is an inspiration as she has used her gifts as a writer and her experiences with grief to support others.

A little about Emily. Emily Graham is a bereaved parent, writer, and Grief Coach. When her 7-year-old son died unexpectedly on Christmas in 2015, she felt her life spiral out of control. She began sharing her grief story on her blog Just Playing House, which became a cathartic outlet that created connection. From there she launched After Child Loss. Now, Emily empowers child loss survivors with the tools and support they need to take the next step forward. You can find her work at and


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