It may not seem like it, but feminism and social justice play a large role in building a better wellness business and a better world. While you may feel uncomfortable discussing these topics and taking a hard look at where you might be falling short, inclusivity and accessibility are key elements of building better businesses. 

Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

In This Episode

How to start treating your patients and clients through the lens of equality (11:00)Why accessibility is an issue you need to address and how to build it into your business on a practical level (15:15)What you need to be aware of when teaching and profiting from a practice that came from a culture that is not your own (22:30)Understanding the crossover between the health of your body and the health of your business (32:20)Reset techniques to shift your mindset and approach every day with the ‘Thoughtwork Protocol’ (39:47)How to overcome imposter syndrome by recognizing your patterns and work to change them (44:50)

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Fighting Against Injustice with Victoria Albina

Victoria Albina was sick of living from a place of habit and conditioning. A coach, nurse practitioner, and solopreneur, among many others, Victoria has become a passionate advocate for putting in the work when it comes to building businesses that address social justice issues. 

Getting Honest About Your Bias

Victoria believes that getting honest with yourself about your own biases is the first step to doing the uncomfortable work of acceptance. The truth is, everybody has some bias, thanks to the conditioning that we were raised with, and it is up to us to check our entitlement and learn to be the watcher of our own minds. 

Understanding that being called in or called out is actually a gift, acknowledging the unintended consequences of your words and actions, and getting comfortable with changing your opinion are all great ways to start improving the way you relate to the world. 

Viewing Your Work Through The Lens of Equity

Healthcare providers and solopreneurs are often some of the most demanding people on themselves. 

It’s important to remember that none of us are running perfect businesses and that rather than perfection, our goal should be continual improvement. 

Victoria shares how we can only take our clients as deep as we’re willing to go ourselves. 

This means doing the hard, uncomfortable work of addressing our shortcomings, doing our own healing, and caring for ourselves.

By filling up your own cup from a place of service, you can better take care of your clients and community. 

Is there somewhere in your business that you feel you may be falling short when it comes to social justice issues? What practical ways are you working to make your business more inclusive and accessible? Leave me a voice message with your answer here.  

Links & Resources
Audience Growth Through Podcast Guesting Mini-Course

Victoria Albina Website

Feminist Wellness Podcast

Follow Victoria on Instagram

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