How to leverage podcasting as a wellness expert to reach more people and make more money.

Four years ago, Dr. Katrina Ubell was working as a pediatrician, a career she was supposed to love. In reality, however, she was dragging herself through her workdays, arriving home with only enough energy to make it to the couch and collapse. This wasn't the life she wanted for her husband and kids, or for herself.

So she started thinking about alternatives.

Today, after getting crystal clear on solving a specific problem for a niche audience, working to create a strong team with a thriving culture, and building up a massive audience through her podcast, Weight Loss For Busy Physicians, Katrina has built a 7-figure coaching business and is just getting started.

Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

In This Episode

The upsides of owning your own business vs working for someone else (4:20)
How opening the door to possibility can help you discover that you have more options than you initially thought when dealing with a difficult decision (16:35)
The commonalities and challenges when transitioning from an employee to an entrepreneur (22:25)
How to get started podcasting, build your confidence, and grow your audience (24:46)
How developing a "podcast roadmap" can help turn new audience members into superfans and speed up their customer journey (39:21)

Using Podcasting to Fill Your Client Pipeline

As Katrina proves, podcasting is one of the best ways to build the "know, like, and trust factor" with your audience and help them get to know who you are. Word of mouth and podcasting are Katrina’s two main marketing streams, and she believes that podcasting is the number one way to grow your audience and make money as a wellness expert.

In this episode, Katrina shares exactly how her podcast fits into her business, the benefit of an abundance mindset, and why you have to be willing to burn down what isn’t working in order to make way for something better.

Facing Your Fear to Pursue Entrepreneurship

While quitting her practice to pursue entrepreneurship was a scary step, Katrina sees now that it was necessary to expand the number of people she's able to help with her work. 

She shares how she grappled with and worked through the decision to leave her job, including why it's essential to open the door to possibility, and how leaving your job is like cleaning out your closet.

What might it be time for you to burn down and start fresh? Leave me a voice message to have your response featured on an upcoming episode.

Links & Resources

Learn how to grow your audience through podcast guesting with my free Mini-Course
Weight Loss for Busy Physicians WebsiteWeight Loss for Busy Physicians PodcastFollow Katrina on Instagram

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Podcast production & marketing support by our incredible team at Counterweight Creative

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