Questioning whether higher consciousness and ethical behavior are tightly correlated.
The founding of the Association for Spiritual Integrity (formerly the Association of Professional Spiritual Teachers).
The attempt to formulate a code of ethics that might apply universally in the contemporary spiritual community and enliven an understanding of what may or may not be appropriate, giving students greater confidence in their own discernment and discrimination.
Ancient traditions held the teacher beyond reproach and students surrendered their own will. This may have worked in monastic settings but generally does not work today.
Preventative support so we’re not busy doing cleanup.
Power hierarchies should not be an essential part of spiritual development and can lead to abuses.
Spiritual awakening does not necessarily qualify a person to offer advice on relationships, finances, etc.
Ethical training of some sort is integral to most honored traditions.
The issue of sexism and patriarchy in spiritual organizations.
Entering the teaching profession prematurely.
All too often, when teachers are challenged on their behavior, they ignore the challenger or become defensive.
How do we offer the possibility for redemption and atonement?
Moving away from a culture of competition to one of cooperation.
The importance of humility.
The importance of teachers not identifying with their role and thinking that students’ devotion is about them.
South Africa’s “Truth and Reconciliation” as a model.

Discussion of this panel in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.
Summary and Transcript of this discussion

Recorded October 27, 2018

YouTube Video Chapters:

00:00:00 - The Disconnect Between Higher States of Consciousness and Ethical Behavior
00:02:15 - Developing a Universal Code of Ethics
00:04:11 - Creating Ethical Standards for Spiritual Teachers
00:06:04 - The Purpose of Spirituality
00:08:05 - Redesigning the Future of Spirituality
00:10:46 - Healing and Support
00:12:55 - Education and Growth as a Community
00:14:36 - The Importance of Addressing Abusive Power
00:17:01 - Opening up to Questions and Collaboration
00:19:03 - The Usefulness of CPE for Spiritual Teachers
00:20:34 - The Importance of Boundaries and Power Dynamics in Communities
00:22:31 - The Importance of Ethical Development in Spiritual Practice
00:25:03 - The Healing Power of Community
00:27:06 - Cedar Barstow: The Right Use of Power in Spirituality
00:29:03 - Equal Gender Representation
00:31:41 - The prevalence of gender imbalance and abuse in the community
00:34:07 - Moving beyond collective conditioning
00:36:31 - The Perpetual Debate on Relationships and Ethics
00:38:41 - The Spiritual Aspect of Trauma
00:40:39 - The Deep Desire Within
00:42:28 - Empowering Students and Demanding Accountability
00:43:57 - Premature Immaculation
00:46:21 - Challenging Ethics in the Spiritual Community
00:48:01 - Addressing Apologies, Making Amends, and Atonement
00:50:14 - Creating a Culture of Accountability
00:52:14 - Moving towards a culture of cooperation
00:53:57 - The Importance of Humility in Learning
00:55:25 - The Importance of a Deeper Student-Teacher Relationship
00:57:34 - Abuse of Power in Teaching and Learning
00:59:10 - Mutual Healing and Reconciliation
01:01:34 - The Birth of Something Helpful