
The airport, at times, can be the least enjoyable part of traveling. Long security lines and cramped airplane seats have come to be dreaded. What we take for granted, however, is just how easy travel has become. It's thanks to technicians like Elena Gonzalez that we are able to fly across the country, or even the world at record speeds safely. Listen in to hear her story, how she got into aviation, and whats she is doing to give back to the next generation of aircraft technicians.  

About Our Guest

For most of Elenas life, she thought she was going to be a pilot. By the time she entered high school, she was enrolled in a magnet school focused on aircraft maintenance. With a knack for taking things apart and putting them together, she quickly found her stride.

From the midnight to 5 a.m. shifts to sacrificing holidays and weekends, Elena has put her life into creating a career in Aviation. Her biggest pet peeve? Like many in the trades, she ultimately feels invisible. Where pilots, bagging agents, and many other airport workers are seen, her duties take place in the background. Fixing planes late into the night to ensure safe travels for all of her passengers. 

Listen in to hear her story, how she got into aviation, and whats she is doing to give back to the next generation of aircraft technicians.  

You can find her on instagram @fixflytravel or online through her charity: https://fixflytravel.com/

Episode Quote

"...the best feeling in the world for me is when I fix an airplane and I get to watch it fly out with passengers...."