Previous Episode: Washington Wizards Valentines!
Next Episode: Check The Roads

By Raj Blaze - Guy Who Is Very New To Standup Comedy

People’s Bar and Chicken open mic comedy night is tonight and the Facebook event is showing a lot of “Maybes”. I’m thinking this may have to do with Valentines Day but you know what? That’s a lame excuse for not supporting local comedy/my dream.

People’s Bar and Chicken is the edgiest open mic in the city. You’re always saying that you have an offbeat sense of humor, well this place takes it to a new level!

Come hang out! Grab a seat in front, get some beers and some wings then sit quietly for upwards of two hours. I think your lady would appreciate having a sexually frustrated man yell at her through a microphone to “Shut the fuck up while the comics are on”

And at this place, anything goes! If you can’t handle it that’s you and your Valentine’s problem. There’s one guy who talks about how rape is awesome. It’s not actually awesome, he’s just pushing the boundaries. Get it? No, well fuck you then. It’s gonna be an awesome date, you’ll get to third for sure.

Every asshole in town is going to be taking their girl to some lame movie or dinner or whatever. Dare to be different with your girl, and get up close and personal with scruffily bearded young men reading stories about their sexual failures off their phones.

I’ll see you there! But I won’t sit with you, I’ll be at the back talking loudly with the other comedians.

- Raj Blaze