By Sport Van Bloggerson: Very Old Sports Reporter

It’s almost that time of year again. The time when I wake up in a cold sweat and think to myself that “The Terror” has returned. Then I remind myself, “No, it’s only a basketball tournament.”

And what a tournament! This year the number one seed has changed more times than I can count and this year’s March Madness is shaping up to be even more exciting than The Madness of 1935, although it should result in dozens fewer deaths.

Fewer deaths, because the youngsters will only be playing basketball instead of being pitted against their own parents in bayonet fights to prove their loyalty to The State.

With so many great looking teams, I won’t even know where to begin putting my bracket together this year! Will anyone be able to stop the Indiana duo of Zeller and Oladipo?

You don’t even want to know what a “Massive Two Handed Crush” meant back then.

In March Madness of 1939, Zuëller and Ulhadipiau were the unstoppable power rapists for Munich University. Yes, part of our March Madness was a rape contest. But also, part of it was just marching and that wasn’t so bad.

I’m not sure if it is the modern March Madness or the one I grew up with  that has the college students findin out how many whacks with a cane gypsy can withstand. Either way, to the college athletes of the USA I say “May your pure Aryan blood fuel your victory over your mongrel enemies!”

And, pray to God that your daughter or mother isn’t chosen today on “Selection Sunday”.